Leigh-Ann Butler is the Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of Ottawa (UOttawa), where she supports scholarly publishing in open journals and in the institutional repository, as well as offering guidance on open access publishing more broadly. Her research interests focus on scholarly communication, open scholarship, bibliometrics, and science policy.
Leigh-Ann completed her Masters in Information Studies (ÉSIS) at UOttawa, publishing a thesis titled Funding the business of open access: a bibliometric analysis of article processing charges, research funding, and the revenues of the oligopoly of publishers, under the supervision of Dr. Stefanie Haustein.
Prior to her role as a librarian, Leigh-Ann worked as a policy analyst on open access and research data management at the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). She is interested in the ways policy can shape and influence the advancement of open scholarship, advocating for equitable and sustainable publishing models.