Three questions with… Rémi!
Our lab is growing! In our Three Questions series, we’re profiling each of our members and the amazing work they’re doing.
Today’s post features ScholCommLab member Rémi Toupin, a PhD candidate studying the contexts of climate change research communication on Twitter at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). In this interview, he tells us about his doctoral work, his recent foray into science communication, and the surprising joys of winter cycling.

Q#1 What are you working on at the lab?
I got involved in the Altmetrics and Societal Impact project through my doctoral research, which uses a mixed method approach to understand the contexts of climate change research communication on Twitter. I hope that getting to know who tweets climate change research as well as the relationships between them will shed light about some of the specific ways scholarly documents permeate outside of academia. It could also help us build comprehensive tools to assess the societal resonance of research.
Q#2 Tell us about a recent paper, presentation, or project you’re proud of.
It just launched! Starting last summer, I got involved in Le numérique en questions, a science communication project started by the UQAM Research Chair on the Uses of Digital Technologies and Communication Changes to share knowledge about digital practices. Although the project is exclusively in French for now, further developments will focus on adapting our content to other communities as well as engaging with new formats. As for me, I’ll produce new content—blog posts and infographics—about exciting topics such as digital security and the ecological footprint of the internet!

Q#3 What’s the best (or worst) piece of advice you’ve ever received?
I have received a lot of really good advice over the years, but one that stands out was a friend motivating me to use my bike for everything from commuting to long distance travel. Since then, I hop on my bike whenever I get the chance—even in the snow—and cycling and enjoying the outdoors really boosts my energy levels!
On the other hand, a frustrating piece of advice I received was from a professor who told us to never drink red wine during academic happy hours, the reason being that if you spill it on someone else’s expensive shirt they will have a bad lasting impression of you. So much for helping students feel empowered!
Find Rémi on Twitter at @RemiToup.