Dr. Juan Pablo Alperin is a co-director of the ScholCommLab, as well as an associate professor at the Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing and an associate director of research of the Public Knowledge Project at Simon Fraser University, Canada.

He is a multi-disciplinary scholar, with training in computer science (BMath, University of Waterloo), social science (MA Geography, University of Waterloo), and education (PhD, Stanford University), who believes that research, especially when it is made freely available (as so much of today’s work is), has the potential to make meaningful and direct contributions to society, and that it is our responsibility as the creators of this research to ensure we understand the mechanisms, networks, and mediums through which our work is discussed and used.

A few publications are listed below. A full list of publications and presentations can be found at in his full CV, and he can be found on Twitter at @juancommander.

Select Publications

Chtena, N., Alperin, J. P., Pinfield, S., Fleerackers, A., & Pasquetto, I. V. (2025). Preprint servers and journals: rivals or allies? Journal of Documentation, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-09-2024-0215
Benson Marshall, M., Pinfield, S., Abbott, P., Cox, A., Alperin, J. P., Barata, G. F., Chtena, N., Dorsch, I., Fleerackers, A., Oliveira, M., & Peters, I. (2024). The impact of COVID-19 on the debate on open science: a qualitative analysis of published materials from the period of the pandemic. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03804-w
Alperin, J. P., Shores, K., Fleerackers, A., & Chtena, N. (2024). Stark Decline in Journalists’ Use of Preprints Post-pandemic. https://doi.org/10.1177/10755470241285405
Fleerackers, A., Moorhead, L. L., Alperin, J. P., Riedlinger, M., & Maggio, L. A. (2024). From impact metrics and open science to communicating research: Journalists’ awareness of academic controversies. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.09.03.609638
Fleerackers, A., Moorhead, L. L., Alperin, J. P., Riedlinger, M., & Maggio, L. A. (2024). From impact metrics and open science to communicating research: Journalists’ awareness of academic controversies. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.09.03.609638
Barata, G., Oliveira, M., Peixoto, T., Almeida, C. C. de, Mazoni, A. F., Comesana, R. C., & Alperin, J. P. (2024). Comunicado de imprensa como indicador de atenção social qualificada da ciência: a construção de um banco de dados e suas potencialidades. Liinc em Revista, 20(1), e7046–e7046. https://revista.ibict.br/liinc/article/view/7046
Ng, J. Y., Liu, H., Masood, M., Farin, R., Messih, M., Perez, A., Aalbersberg, Ij. J., Alperin, J., Bryson, G. L., Chen, Q., Ehrlich, A., Iorio, A., Meester, W. J. N., Willinsky, J., Grudniewicz, A., Cobo, E., Cranston, I., Cress, P. E., Gunn, J., … Moher, D. (2024). Publisher preferences for a journal transparency tool: A modified three-round Delphi study (No. 13:915). F1000Research. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.154408.1
Fleerackers, A., Moorhead, L. L., & Alperin, J. P. (2024). “I’d like to think I’d be able to spot one if I saw one”: How science journalists navigate predatory journals. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.24.604934
Haustein, S., Schares, E., Alperin, J. P., Hare, M., Butler, L.-A., & Schönfelder, N. (2024). Estimating global article processing charges paid to six publishers for open access between 2019 and 2023 (No. arXiv:2407.16551). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2407.16551
van Bellen, S., Alperin, J. P., & Larivière, V. (2024). The oligopoly of academic publishers persists in exclusive database (No. arXiv:2406.17893). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2406.17893
Butler, L.-A., Hare, M., Schönfelder, N., Schares, E., Alperin, J. P., & Haustein, S. (2024). An open dataset of article processing charges from six large scholarly publishers (2019-2023) (No. arXiv:2406.08356). arXiv. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2406.08356
Butler, L.-A., Hare, M., Schönfelder, N., Schares, E., Alperin, J. P., & Haustein, S. (2024). Open dataset of annual Article Processing Charges (APCs) of gold and hybrid journals published by Elsevier, Frontiers, MDPI, PLOS, Springer-Nature and Wiley 2019-2023. Harvard Dataverse. https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CR1MMV
Maggio, L. A., Chtena, N., Alperin, J. P., Moorhead, L., & Willinsky, J. M. (2024). “The best home for this paper”: A qualitative study of how authors select where to submit manuscripts. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.14.594165
Unzurrunzaga, C., Monti, C., Zalba, G., & Alperin, J. P. (2024). Acceso abierto en Argentina: una propuesta para el monitoreo de las publicaciones cient\’ificas con OpenAlex (No. arXiv:2404.19627). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2404.19627
Alperin, J. P., Portenoy, J., Demes, K., Larivière, V., & Haustein, S. (2024). An analysis of the suitability of OpenAlex for bibliometric analyses (No. arXiv:2404.17663). arXiv. http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.17663
Simard, M.-A., Butler, L.-A., Alperin, J. P., & Haustein, S. (2024). We need to rethink the way we identify diamond open access journals in quantitative science studies. SciELO Preprints. https://doi.org/10.1590/SciELOPreprints.8272
Marshall, M. B., Pinfield, S., Abbott, P., Cox, A., Alperin, J. P., Barata, G., Chtena, N., Dorsch, I., Fleerackers, A., Oliveira, M., & Peters, I. (2024). The impact of COVID-19 on the debate on open science: An analysis of expert opinion. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/xy874
Fleerackers, A., Shores, K., Chtena, N., & Alperin, J. P. (2024). Unreviewed science in the news: The evolution of preprint media coverage from 2014-2021. Quantitative Science Studies, 1–40. https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00282
Fleerackers, A., Chtena, N., Pinfield, S., Alperin, J. P., Barata, G., Oliveira, M., & Peters, I. (2024). Making science public: a review of journalists’ use of Open Access research. F1000Research. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.133710.2
Atef, N., Fleerackers, A., & Alperin, J. P. (2023). Why do health professionals create content on social media? Uses and Gratifications of Egyptian “physician vloggers” on YouTube. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 12(2), 188–210. https://www.thejsms.org/index.php/JSMS/article/view/1287
Chtena, N., Alperin, J. P., Morales, E., Fleerackers, A., Dorsch, I., Pinfield, S., & Simard, M.-A. (2023). The neglect of equity and inclusion in open science policies of Europe and the Americas. SciELO Preprints. https://doi.org/10.1590/SciELOPreprints.7366
Chtena, N., Alperin, J. P., Morales, E., Fleerackers, A., Dorsch, I., Pinfield, S., & Simard, M.-A. (2023). The neglect of equity and inclusion in open science policies of Europe and the Americas. SciELO Preprints. https://doi.org/10.1590/SciELOPreprints.7366
Shi, J., Nason, M., Tullney, M., & Alperin, J. P. (2023). Identifying Metadata Quality Issues Across Cultures. OSF. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/6fykh
Fleerackers, A., Chtena, N., Oliveira, M., Dorsch, I., Pinfield, S., & Alperin, J. P. (2023). Open data journalism: A narrative synthesis of how, when, and why data journalists use open data sources. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/wh8jx
Alperin, J. P., Fleerackers, A., Riedlinger, M., & Haustein, S. (2023). Second-order citations in altmetrics: a case study analyzing the audiences of COVID-19 research in the news and on social media. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.05.535734
Atef, N., Fleerackers, A., & Alperin, J. P. (2023). “Influencers” or “doctors”? Physicians’ presentation of self in Youtube and Facebook videos. International Journal of Communication, 17(0), 24. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/19700
Cobey, K. D., Haustein, S., Brehaut, J., Dirnagl, U., Franzen, D. L., Hemkens, L. G., Presseau, J., Riedel, N., Strech, D., Alperin, J. P., Costas, R., Sena, E. S., van Leeuwen, T., Ardern, C. L., Bacellar, I. O. L., Camack, N., Britto Correa, M., Buccione, R., Cenci, M. S., … Moher, D. (2023). Community consensus on core open science practices to monitor in biomedicine. PLOS Biology, 21(1), e3001949. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001949
Alperin, J. P. (2022). De la tecnocracia a la equidad y la sustentabilidad: por otra ciencia abierta. Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde, 16(4), 974–985. https://doi.org/10.29397/reciis.v16i4.3524
Khanna, S., Ball, J., Alperin, J. P., & Willinsky, J. (2022). Recalibrating the scope of scholarly publishing: A modest step in a vast decolonization process. Quantitative Science Studies, 3(4), 912–930. https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00228
Fleerackers, A., Moorhead, L. L., Maggio, L. A., Fagan, K., & Alperin, J. P. (2022). Science in motion: A qualitative analysis of journalists’ use and perception of preprints. PLOS ONE, 17(11), e0277769. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277769
Alperin, J. P. (2022). Why I think ending article-processing charges will save open access. Nature, 610(7931), 233–233. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-03201-w
Fleerackers, A., Nehring, L., Maggio, L. A., Enkhbayar, A., Moorhead, L., & Alperin, J. P. (2022). Identifying science in the news: An assessment of the precision and recall of Altmetric.com news mention data. Scientometrics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-022-04510-7
Haustein, S., Cobey, K., Neylon, C., Riedel, N., Franzen, D., Alperin, J. P., Dirnagl, U., & Moher, D. (2022, September 7). User-centred design in indicator development: Involving the biomedical community in building an open science dashboard. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Granada, Spain. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.6948166
Cobey, K. D., Haustein, S., Brehaut, J., Dirnagl, U., Franzen, D. L., Hemkens, L. G., Presseau, J., Riedel, N., Strech, D., Alperin, J. P., Costas, R., Sena, E. S., van Leeuwen, T., Ardern, C. L., Bacellar, I. O. L., Camack, N., Correa, M. B., Buccione, R., Cenci, M. S., … Moher, D. (2022). Establishing a core set of open science practices in biomedicine: a modified Delphi study [Preprint]. Health Policy. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.27.22276964
Atef, N., Fleerackers, A., & Alperin, J. P. (2022). Doctors on YouTube: Exploring the Uses and Gratifications of Health Vloggers. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/pb47w
Dawson, D. (DeDe), Morales, E., McKiernan, E. C., Schimanski, L. A., Niles, M. T., & Alperin, J. P. (2022). The role of collegiality in academic review, promotion, and tenure. PLOS ONE, 17(4), e0265506. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0265506
Morales, E., Kalir, J. H., Fleerackers, A., & Alperin, J. P. (2022). Using social annotation to construct knowledge with others: A case study across undergraduate courses. F1000Research. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.109525.2
Fleerackers, A., Riedlinger, M., Moorhead, L., Ahmed, R., & Alperin, J. P. (2022). Communicating scientific uncertainty in an age of COVID-19: an investigation into the use of preprints by digital media outlets. Health Communication, 1–13. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2020.1864892
Morales, E., McKiernan, E. C., Niles, M. T., Schimanski, L., & Alperin, J. P. (2021). How faculty define quality, prestige, and impact of academic journals. PLOS ONE, 16(10), e0257340. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0257340
Malički, M., Costello, J., Alperin, J. P., & Maggio, L. A. (2021). Analysis of single comments left for bioRxiv preprints till September 2019. Biochemia Medica, 31(2), 0–0. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.11613/BM.2021.020201
Rozemblum, C., Alperin, J. P., & Unzurrunzaga, C. (2021). Las limitaciones de Scopus como fuente de indicadores: Buscando una visibilidad integral para revistas argentinas en ciencias sociales. e-Ciencias de la Información, 11(2). https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.15517/eci.v11i2.44300
Reilly, K. M. A., & Alperin, J. P. (2021). A stewardship approach to theorizing open data for development. In Open Data for Development. The MIT Press. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/11480.001.0001
Fleerackers, A., Riedlinger, M., Moorhead, L., Ahmed, R., & Alperin, J. P. (2020). Replication Data for: Communicating scientific uncertainty in an age of COVID-19. Harvard Dataverse. https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/WG9VDS
Malički, M., Costello, J., Alperin, J. P., & Maggio, L. A. (2020). From amazing work to I beg to differ - analysis of bioRxiv preprints that received one public comment till September 2019. BioRxiv, 2020.10.14.340083. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.10.14.340083
Enkhbayar, A., Haustein, S., Barata, G., & Alperin, J. P. (2020). How much research shared on Facebook happens outside of public pages and groups? A comparison of public and private online activity around PLOS ONE papers. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(2), 749–770. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00044
Moscrop, D., Wong, L., & Alperin, J. P. (2020). Have you seen this? Why political pundits share scholarly research on social media. Scholarly and Research Communication, 11(1), 21. https://doi.org/10.22230/src.2020v11n1a355
Kalir, J. H., Morales, E., Fleerackers, A., & Alperin, J. P. (2020). “When I saw my peers annotating”: Student perceptions of social annotation for learning in multiple courses. Information and Learning Sciences, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). https://doi.org/10.1108/ILS-12-2019-0128
Niles, M. T., Schimanski, L. A., McKiernan, E. C., & Alperin, J. P. (2020). Why we publish where we do: Faculty publishing values and their relationship to review, promotion and tenure expectations. PLOS ONE, 15(3), e0228914. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0228914
Matthias, L., Fleerackers, A., & Alperin, J. P. (2020). Framing science: How opioid research is presented in online news media. Frontiers in Communication, 5(64). https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2020.00064